How to make biryani pot in pressure cooker?

Biryani pot


The art of cooking biryani pot can be an immensely gratifying experience, and with the aid of a pressure cooker, you can whip up a delectable and aromatic dish in a jiffy. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the step-by-step process of crafting biryani using a pressure cooker. So, let’s delve into the secrets that will unlock the tantalizing flavors and enable you to create a mouthwatering biryani right in the comfort of your own kitchen!

biryani pot
biryani pot

Choosing the Perfect Ingredients for biryani pot:

Embarking on our biryani adventure necessitates the careful assembly of all the essential ingredients:

Take note of the following list:

  • Pure Basmati rice
  • Protein of your preference (chicken, lamb, or vegetables)
  • Fragrant aromatic spices (such as cloves, cardamom, cinnamon, and bay leaves)
  • Red onions
  • Ginger and garlic paste
  • Yogurt and ghee
  • Tomatoes
  • Fresh mint and coriander leaves
  • Optional saffron strands
  • Oil (Using only ghee instead of oil will yield excellent results)
  • Salt and pepper

Preparing the Rice

Commence the biryani preparation by rinsing the Basmati rice under cold water until it runs clear. Soak the rice in water for approximately 30 minutes, then drain it. In your pressure cooker, heat some ghee or oil and add whole spices like cloves, cardamom, cinnamon, and bay leaves. Sauté the spices for a minute to unleash their flavors. Add the drained rice, water (twice the quantity of rice), and a pinch of salt. Close the lid, and under high pressure, allow it to cook for one whistle. Once done, release the pressure and set the rice aside.

biryani pot
biryani pot

Cooking the Protein:

While the rice is cooking, focus on preparing the protein element. In the case of chicken or lamb, marinate the pieces in a mixture of yogurt, ginger-garlic paste, salt, and spices for a minimum of 30 minutes. In your pressure cooker, heat some ghee or oil, add chopped onions, and cook until they turn a golden brown hue. Incorporate the marinated protein and cook until it is sealed and lightly browned. For vegetable biryani, sauté the vegetables in oil until they reach a slightly tender state.

Layering and Cooking the Biryani pot:

Now, we reach the exciting part – layering the biryani! In your pressure cooker, initiate the layering process by placing a stratum of cooked rice, followed by a layer of the cooked protein (chicken or vegetables). Sprinkle fresh mint and coriander leaves on top. Repeat this process, creating multiple layers, until all the rice and protein/vegetables are utilized. For an aesthetically pleasing golden color and a fragrant aroma, consider drizzling some saffron-infused milk onto the topmost layer.

Sealing and Cooking Under Pressure:

Once the biryani pot has been successfully layered, securely seal the pressure cooker lid. Allow it to cook over low heat for approximately 15-20 minutes, allowing the flavors to meld together. If your pressure cooker is equipped with a whistle, cook on low pressure for one whistle. Subsequently, switch off the heat and permit the pressure to release naturally.

biryani pot
biryani pot

Serving and Enjoying the Culinary Delight:

Gently open the pressure cooker lid, and be greeted by the tantalizing aroma of biryani. Utilize a fork to fluff the biryani gently, ensuring an even distribution of the flavors. With your biryani now ready, it’s time to serve and relish this exquisite dish. Transfer the biryani onto a serving platter, ensuring each serving incorporates all the layers and flavors. Enhance the presentation by garnishing with additional fresh mint and coriander leaves. Biryani pairs exceptionally well with raita (a yogurt-based condiment) or a side salad. Serve it piping hot and relish the explosion of flavors!

Tips for Achieving the Perfect Biryani pot

  • To consistently create the perfect biryani, keep the following tips in mind:
  • Opt for high-quality Basmati rice to achieve fluffy and fragrant biryani.
  • Marinate the protein component for a minimum of 30 minutes to enhance the flavors.
  • Adjust the spice levels according to personal preference for heat and intensity.
  • Pay close attention to the water-to-rice ratio to attain flawlessly cooked rice grains.
  • Allow the biryani to rest for a few minutes after cooking to allow the flavors to harmonize


Crafting biryani pot in a pressure cooker offers a convenient and efficient way to create a scrumptious and aromatic meal. By following this step-by-step guide, you will be equipped to prepare biryani that is brimming with flavors and textures. So gather your ingredients, prepare your pressure cooker, and embark on a culinary journey that will both tantalize your taste buds and impress your guests. Happy cooking, and enjoy the feast of homemade biryani.

biryani pot
biryani pot

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